Monday, December 28, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Oh, yeah we're in Brighton.
We're gonna pack the car now and head to London. The weather is just beautiful, and I can feel that this is going to be a great day. So if you're in London come down to the Proud Galleries and have fun with us.
You're probably wondering about that chicken on the photo in the previous post. While driving in a roundabout this chicken flew all over Lasse, who was driving. It was very funny.
Here is a stupid picture:
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
This is it! (Not the Michael Jackson one)
So I think that it's pretty clear that we will be driving to the nearest supermarket to buy things we really don't need. Although we will probably be buying things we do need. Like sodas, crisps/chips, chokolate, pudding, apples. Just the most essential things. Maybe some mens magazines with girls and weapons in them.
Well, I better go now. Can't wait to be in England again. Watch this space loves.

Friday, December 4, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Recording the final pieces for the next Mimas and Tapas records.
We're sitting here in a studio in the world. And it's such fun. Daniel and Gert are talking about Sams Bar, Lasse is making a plan for Mimas in 2010, and Kenn is seriously just wasting our time. I am doing a much needed update on this blog, and I've also worked on the design. Isn't it beautiful? I've been thinking about having more pink though.
I wanted to tell you guys that we are playing two gigs on England in December. We've been asked to support Slaraffenaland, and we couldn't say no. So this means we'll be playing these mtwo dates, if that's ok with you:
December 9th: Brighton, Freebutt w/ Slaraffenaland, Crowns On The Rats Orchestra
December 10th: London - Camden, Proud Galleries w/ Slaraffenland, Sparky Deathcab
That's gonna be fun! We'll be meeting our good friends in Crowns On The Rats Orchestra and good people in London. Can't wait.
So, we're about to record the last bits for the record. Two really new songs, that don't really sound like anything we've done before, so we think it's really fun. Lasse, Daniel and I are just about to record drums, and the set up is crazy!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
I'm listening to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Theme right this moment.
We just woke up in Glasgow and Lasse is now washing the filth away from his body. We're just about getting ready for a little trip to a distillery, where we're gonna try out some nice whiskey! Chris, the promoter from yesterday works there as a guide, so that'll be awesome! Better not drink to much though!
The last couple of days have been awesome! We ate a beautiful english breakfast at the Copper Kettle with Annie Catwoman (although Daniel had a soup and a salad, gay).

We hugged Annie and said goodbye, and drove our way to Leeds. I think we listened to Aerogramme on the way. We played with Shapes in Leeds and also Dead Spex and Blacklisters who all were awesome. The singer from Blacklisters looked like he was going to kill someone, but eventually he did not do that. Everyone was quite satisfied with that. We had a fantastic time onstage, and apparently there was a lot of people who knew the lyrics to our song. I fell over Lasses drumkit during the outro in Cats On Fire. No one got hurt though. Lucky. People were filming the gig and I have no idea why!
Ah shit, I don't have time to write more, the boys want to go and drink some whiskey! Ah, Scotland I love you!
Tour diary!
Here’s some news from the road in the UK!
We’ve had an awesome couple of days, although our journey to England was truly a horrible one…
I was waiting for the boys at home, as they were getting the rental car. I spent my time packing and wondering which movies to take with me. I didn’t want to take all the usual stuff along (Arnold Schwarzenegger movies, Stanley Kubrick and shit), so I tried digging a little deeper into my collection. I found ’Invasion Of The Body Snatchers’ (the 70’s version) and Saló (120 days in Sodoma) by Pasolini. ’Awesome’, I thought, ’the guys will love this one’, not remembering how I felt when I first (and last) watched it. I threw some underwear, socks, t-shirts, my computer, CD’s, a toothbrush and a passport along the movies into my bag, and ran out on the street, where the boys were waiting for me in a nice little Citroen Berlingo.
The drive to the ferry was just beautiful and we listened to some good old ’Death’, probably the best death-metal band ever. When we arrived in Esbjerg, we checked in and waited in line with everyone else, and this kid the car infront of us jumped out with toy guns and started shooting at us and throwing bombs at us. Lasse and Daniel found that truly amusing and started shooting at him using their hands as guns. It had no effect, and the kid survived.
On board of the ferry everyone was in a great mood, and we were looking foreward to our little tour with our good friends in Shapes. We had beer and snacks and decided that we wanted to watch a movie. After introducing Saló, and telling the boys that the director, Pasolini, got killed a week after releasing the movie, we decided to give it a try. We watched it for about half an hour, and then everyone got really sick from watching it, mostly because of all the weird sex scenes. No one really had any urge to watch the scenes with the shit-eating fest. So we turned it off and watched a comedy instead, but right around this time the ferry was seriously going crazy, and the waves were brutal! All of a sudden, in the middle of the movie, Gert jumped up and hurried to the toilet, where he threw up big time! Daniel and I lauhed a little, but at the same time we were really, really sad that Gert was feeling bad. Poor Gert. We decided to go to sleep and that everything would be much better in the morning. It took me about 1 hour to fall asleep.
In the morning everything was much better, and the ferry glided smoothly on the surface of the water. Beautiful. We drove directly to Norwich, while listening to Sepeltura. Being in Norwich again felt awesome, and meeting our usual sound engineer Ryan, was a plesaure as always. We soundchecked and all was cool. Annie Catwoman arrived and everyone hugged and felt good. It was our fourth time in Norwich and the fifth time we see Annie, so everything felt kinda like home.
The gig at Norwich Arts Centre was simply fantastic! The crowd was beautiful, and we had an amazing time. The lovely (John) Peel family came down to the gig, and John Peels wife said some really nice things about our music. What a great night. Shapes played a great set, and we told them they really suck.
We're in Glasgow at the moment, and we'll tell you a bit about what's been happenin' really soon! I can tell you that we saw this man!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009
We're ready!
We're ready to visit the UK once again, and we can't ait to see your happy faces! And pretty. Nice.
We'll be playing some cities we know very well now, and some cities we've never been to before. Exciting times. I'm afriad we had to cancel to of the gigs in Birmingham and Nottingham, and we're sorry about that. We'll have to stop by next time.
So the plan is:
Oct. 9th: Norwich - Arts Centre (Ah, good old Norwich. Meet us at The Copper and Kettle where we're having breakfast on the 10th!
Oct. 10th: Leeds - Royal Park Cellars (2nd time in Leeds! Should be awesome!)
Oct. 11th: Glasgow - The Captains Rest (1st time ever in Scotland. Any ideas?!)
Oct. 12th: York - City Screen Basement Bar (also 1st time ever. We want to see vikings)
Oct. 13th: Sheffield - Red House (2nd time we're there, and the last gig of the tour = we'll be drunk!)
See ya!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
We're home from a little trip!
Some time back our danish agent booked us to support an american band from Beverly, Massachusetts in Århus and Copenhagen, and our german agent, Robert, booked us to play with Sunset Rubdown from Montreal, Canada. We were well excited to be supporting these fantastic bands! I had never personally seen Caspian live, but Lasse and I saw Sunset Rubdown in Århus in April. That gig was of course mind-blowing.
Around four o'clock we met and (mac) got our gear, and drove to Studenterhuset in Århus. Having played there three times this year with the same engineer, we were comfortable with the fact that we weren't getting a soundcheck, as there were 5 bands playing today. Soundchecks are for pussys. Instead we went straight to the backstage room where we found 6 american dudes all dressed rather dark. Everyone shook hands and I was surprised by the fact they were all names Joe, Johnny, Justin and so on. That was pretty funny. But I didn't laugh cause I didn't want to make anyone sad or anything like that. Pretty soon everyone realized that we all were into foozball/tabel football, so for the next hours we kicked Caspians ass so bad. They were not happy about that at all, and told us we were ugly (just kidding). Everyone had lots of fun.
Around 10 pm we had to get up on stage and play for the 350 people who had shown up. I found out that I had forgotten my guitar and that was probably one of the stupidest things I've done since I turned 20. Damn.. Well, luckily I could borrow one from from the band who played before us, Sky Architects, who are wonderful people! We played a good show, and really enjoyed playing in our hometown. My grandmothers showed up! Fucking awesome.
After our set, Caspian played a great concert! It was nice and loud! Then we all got semi-drunk (apart from me, I was completely drunk), and had a good time before we all fell asleep.
The day after we got our rental car, which costed just about as much as my guitar for the two days we rented it. I hate Denmarks prices on rental cars. Hate. We quickly drove to Copenhagen, but not before we got ourselves som apples, hot-dogs, burgers and a disgusting german pudding or something... Jesus, that was terrible. When we arrived at Lille Vega in Copenhagen we met our homies in Caspian there but no one was home. So we all went and got really high somewhere and bought dogs that we killed, and we wore their skin. Then we went back to the venue (this was just a lie). The venue is really beautiful, as some of you might know. We had such a good times with Caspian backstage. I showed them the new Rammstein video for instance, and everyone was really surprised by the amount of porn in it. I told them that was pretty normal in Europe, and they believed me. I also bonded with Justin Forrest when we found out about our mutual love for Look Mexico.
The first band Shaking Sensations were good. They played instrumental post-rock and had some really nice melodies. They were kind enough to lend us their amps and drum kit. We played pretty well, and got a very good response from the 200+ crowd. Definitely the best gig we've played in Copenhagen so far. After the gig Caspian told us to go on tour with them in the US. Why not? They played a really good gig, and I tried to film it but wasn't allowed by the venue :-( After the gig we kissed backstage and started packing all the gear into our small station-car. Before parting everyone hugged each other and some cried, not me though. We drove straight home to our friend Nikolaj, who had made beds for us (amazing) and got a 5 hour sleep. After waking up Lasse and Gert found some coffee and croissants and we all enjoyed that really much.
We drove to the ferry in Rødby, which was supposed to take us to Puttgarten. And it did. The ferry was supposed to be called King Albert or something, but it wasn't. We had some really expansive food on the ferry. Nothing special happened on that ferry. Oh wait! It was possible to buy a 'travel-vagina' in the mens room. No one did though.
We arrived in Germany and drove for some hours untill we stopped for a little break. We bought water, nuts and stuff but the line to the counter was just seriously slow! Daniel said something like 'it's because of all these old people!', and then he told us a joke: 'what's ten meter long and smells like piss? Chain-dance at a senior-home!' Everyone laughed. Later Lasse told us that all the old people in that line were danish. Fail.
We arrived at Magnet Club in Berlin and we were early. Next to the venue there was a restaurant, and they served sushi! Really cheap and good sushi! Win! We ate some of that and then we loaded our gear. At the venue we met Robert, our german booking agent, and he was such a happy kid! Awesome dude with ginger hair just like Lasse. We bonded a bit and had some of these HUGE fucking apples. They were mean and heavy. Imagine a watermelon just 10 times smaller or something.
Our heroes in Sunset Rubdown arrived and were nice and a little bit talkative as well. They did they're soundcheck really fast, and we did ours even faster. That soundguy at the Magnet Club was really incredible. Fuck man. Insane. We played at 9 pm and it was lot's of fun! It was so dark on stage I couldn't even see Lasse!

After the gig it was time to go home, we had a 6 hour drive ahead of us...! We said goodbye to Sunset Rubdown, Robert and his girlfriend and Daniel drove for over 4 hours! Well done man. Lasse and Gert took the rest of the trip. We were home around 7 am, and I'm guessing everyone went to sleep right away!
Great weekend! And finally we can start focusing on the album again!
Hope everyone is well!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Friday, September 4, 2009
I'm in love with Dale Cooper

Snip da snap, de snippety snip snap!
A little shout here from the Mimas camp. Everythings been pretty crazy the last couple of weeks, I started at uni and we've been trying to sort out the last things for the next album and such. We actually just wrote a little tune yesterday, that will probably end up on the album, and it actually looks like we'll be able to finish recording it in October. We're pretty excited to get some new materiel out there, and I hope you guys are looking forward to hearing some new songs. I think we'll be aiming at releasing it in the spring, but I don't want to promise anything just yet. Let's see how things evolve.
So maybe we'll be seeing some of you during our little mini-tour in Århus, Copenhagen and Berlin. We're supporting Sunset Rubdown in Berlin, and if you don't know them you should seriously check them out.
Much love,
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Yes! We're supporting Sunset Rubdown in Berlin!
We're back from our short adventure to England! And I will tell you all about the details tomorrow. I just wanted to tell you folks that we'll be supporting the amazing Sunset Rubdown in Berlin! This will take place at Magnet Club on the 20th of September! We can't wait!
Speak to you soon!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
UK tour-dates!
13th - Oxford - The Cellar w/ Shapes
14th - Brighton - The Freebutt w/ On Histories of Rosenberg
15th - Reading - Rapturefest @ Facebar w/ all the cool bands
9th - Norwich - Norwich Arts Centre
10th - Leeds - Royal Park Cellars w/ Shapes
11th - Glasgow - The Captains Rest w/ Trapped In Kansas
12th - York - City Screen Basement w/ Shapes
13th - Sheffield - TBA w/ Shapes
14th - Birmingham - The Flapper w/ Shapes
15th - Nottingham - The Chameleon Arts Café w/ Shapes
That's it for now!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Sin Fang Bous

Hey everyone. Hope you're all well. I havn't entertained you with some blabber in a while, so I thought now is the time!
I've been on holiday in Iceland to visit my family and show my kid to them and such. And of course to try and fully heal after our european tour + Roskilde Festival. So a lot of good food, relaxing and some very fresh air did the trick. It was also quite nice that I could afford to buy some stuff up there. Usually if I wanted to buy a CD up there I'd have to pay double of what I normally do, this time it was half. Natrually because of the very bad shape of the icelandic krona. Bad for the inhabitans, but good for me. So I bought Hjaltalín, Ólafur Arnalds and the amazing 'Sin Fang Bous' who I'm listening to non stop these days. You shold really try to give him a listen: (Oh yeah, we're all about the myspace!). I also bought some seasons of Family Guy and a good deal of 'Brennivín' which is like the icelandic schnaps, also known as 'The Black Death'. It's gorgeous.
Although I was supposed to relax and bath in the hot springs and stuff, I did a little work on a small UK tour in October. I'd love to tell you about the gigs, but I'm gonna wait till everything is confirmed. I'll announce it shortly though. Oh, and the London gig in August is cancelled, I'm afraid. The promoters kinda changed the conditions all of a sudden. So the 14th is on in Brighton again at The Freebutt. Sorry London-people.
Gert and I will be at Kenns place to listen to our recordings, record some backing vocals and mix a little bit. I can't wait to get started working on the record again. Good times.
More Sin Fang Bous:
Monday, July 6, 2009
Hello world!
Seriously though the festival was lots of fun. The highlights for me were Nick Cave, Mono, The Dodos aaaaaaaaannd.... Slipknot! Well, maybe not them.. But it was fun and I was drunk, sooo..
It's really nice to be home, that's for sure! I'm here for a week and then I take of to Iceland for a week with my girls to visit the family there. Sweet. Lasse just went to the states this morning, and will be travelling there for a month. Lucky bastard!
So it's pretty much summer vacation in the Mimas camp. Yet, I'm sitting here posting on this blog, replying e-mails and sorting out gigs. And speaking of gigs, do you live in London? We'll be playing there on the 14th of August at The Cross Kings. Hope to see you there? There is also a rumour that we might be playing in Norwich in October..
Well, I'm just home from tour but still I can't wait to go on tour again. It's probably all the lack of sleep and long drives that are totally appealing to me right now..
Speak soon boys and girls!
Monday, June 29, 2009
We're home in Denmark.
So as you might already know we've had some pretty rough days, but we're back from the tour know. A tour that has been, awesome, hard, sweet and bad. All the gigs we played were really great, and we were very surprised to see so many people at our gigs on this tour. It was really sad that Satan died on us on on the way to Madrid, and we are so so sad to have cancelled that gig along with Barcelona and Lyon. I'll tell you all about it. So......
On the 23rd we drove to Toulouse. It was fucking hot! Especially in Satan, where there is (was) no air-condition and only the two windows in the front can be opened. Really nasty shit. When we arrived in Toulouse we parked the van right next to small canal, cause the venue, Le Cri De La Mouette, was a boat! Awesome! We met with Stéphane, the promoter, who was a really great guy. He had made damn fine meal for us. There was rice, baguette and some awesome chicken cooked in soya, honey and onions. It tasted fantastic. We also met some swedish colleges, who were playing four gigs in France. They were called Television Keeps Us Apart, and were very good. Kind of a mix between The Postal Service, Handsome Furs and Placebo. Check them out! We played really late, so we were getting a bit tired (also because we had been on tour for two weeks by then, and only getting something like 4 hours of sleep each night). But we did our very best and everyone was really sweaty and salty after the gig. There was a great deal of people and a good response. They also really like my moustache, which of course made me happy. It's actually getting a little out of hand, so maybe I should shave it off soon. Yes or no?
We slepped at Stéphanes place, but by the time we went to sleep it was already 5 or something in the morning. Daniel and Gert slepped in the van, and by nine o'clock it was apparently so hot that they had to get out. 4 hours of sleep once again :-)
The next morning we drove to Pau, which only took two hours! Who hoo!! Upon arrival we were once again greeted by fantastic people, who had cooked for us, bought beers, chokolate, wine and everything! We were to play with two bands from England! One from London called 'Cherry, But No Cake' and 'Ox Capula' from Stoke On Trent. Really amazingly sweet people, just like the promoters, who are a collective called A Tant Rêver Du Roi. The night was awesome. There was a fantastic atmosphere, and everyone was just so nice to each other. There was whiskey, wine, champagne (one of the collective boys was celebrating his birthday!) and damn good beer! Stéphane the promoter (yes, alot of promoters in france are called Stéphane) was such a fantastic guy, and offered to book more shows for us next time. Oh yeah!
So the next morning we woke up at six, to drive the six hour drive to Madrid. It was actully a fantastic morning, driving from France to Spain is something you have to do at some point in your life. The sights are simply breathtaking. So after driving for like 4 hours, Lasse took over the driving from Daniel, Satan simply died. Michael Jackson simply told Death that he needed a vehicle and Death decided that Satan was the perfect car for Jackson. We were so nervous about not getting to Madrid in time. We hoped the mechanic would be able to fix Satan pretty easy, but the problem was just way to big. So, we got towed to Burgos and there our mechanic told us (in spanish!) that he wouldn't be able to fix the van untill a week later, and that it would cost much more than the van itself. We were shocked. All kinds of questions ran through our heads. What will we do? How do we get back home? How do we get the gear home? How do we play the rest of the shows? Did I forget my pillow in Luxembourg? We slepped at a hotel near Burgos and everyone was very low on spirit. We tried to cheer each other up with beers and ponche mixed with coke (ordinary coke), but it didn't help much. We called the lovely people of Fikasound and told them that we couldn't play in Madrid. If there is anything I hate it's cancelling gigs. Especially when promoters like Fikasound are doing fantastic promotion work. But shit happens, as Forrest, Forrest Gump once said.
So we decided to get a good nights sleep to deal with all the different tasks the day after. Before falling asleep I read in the news on the internet that my first hero in music, Michael Jackson, had died. What a sad day indeed.
The morning after everything started to look a bit brighter. We managed to rent two cars, so we could fit everything in our van. We also called a danish freight company, who agreed to take our stuff back with them to Denmark, but they needed the gear saturday morning, which meant we would have to cancel both our Barcelona gig and our Lyon gig, which was a huge pain in the ass. After thinking about that for a while, we decided that it was the way it should be, as we needed to be sure to get the gear back to Denmark, to be able to return to both Madrid, Barcelona and Lyon for the next tour in Europe. So, apart from cancelling three gigs, everything was starting to look brighter. We really wanted to make the gig in Manresa, so when we got our rental-cars we stepped on the gas and drove with 150 km an hour to make it! We got there 22:30 and just in time to set up our gear! It was really important to us to play that gig, cause it made us feel like we did everything in our power not to cancel more gigs than necessary, and that we could play a gig knowing that it would be the end of the tour, instead of going home and being totally bummed out by cancelling all the rest of the tour. And the gig was great, we played with some wonderful people from a band called Delivery, and a very dedicated listener, called Antonio, travelled all the way from Madrid to Manresa to see us. He was so nice to us, and brought us rum, liquorish and cookies! Totally yes! We didn't play our best and the sound could have been better, but we had an enthusiastic crowd who got us to play an encore. After the gig Gert and Delivery played frisbee outside the venue, but kept their shirts on! The food was absoloutly fantastic and the owner of the bar, Eduard, was so kind to us. He gave us a lot of great food, took us home to his place, gave us spanish schnaps and a lot of gin & Tonic! We got drunk and went to bed around 6 o'clock and woke up around 10.
The next morning was the most stressful moment of the tour! We phoned the freight-company and they told us we had to deliver the gear latest at 12 o'clock! If not, we wouldn't be able to get our gear back home! And we had to get the gear from the venue... We simply ran to the car, Eduard threw some croissants, bread and juice after us and we drove like crazy to the venue to pack the gear. We made it to the warehouse, to unload the gear, but were 20 minutes late. The good man, called Ib, greeted us and was in a fantastic mood! He spent an hour telling us about when he used to drive King Diamond when he was on tour, and also about Staus Quo, and how we should get them to write us a hit single. Amazing.
We drove to Barcelona and spent the day with Antonio eating Paella, drinking some beer and walking around. Antonio said goodbye, but not before buying us a bottle of Ponche! At the airport we got kinda drunk and I ate the worst meal of the whole tour. I got two hours of sleep on the hard floor of the airport. Everyone was completely wasted when we checked in. For me the flight back was terrible, but then again I just hate flying. Lasse slepped and during his sleep he totally looked like an evil wizard from Lord Of The Rings, and like he wanted to eat me or Martin. Guess we were quite lucky that he was asleep. So we tried to stay quiet.
So we're back in Denmark and if you've followed the tour diary, you'll know that there have been ups and downs, although mostly ups. If you didn't see us on the tour, you can download this session we did for Planet Claire in France. Hope you like it!
OK. Tomorrow I will head to Roskilde Festival with my girlfriend. Gert and Martin will be there as well and I know it will be awesome. Daniel might be coming there for the saturday. Lasse will be going to the US to explore for a month with his girlfriend. The rest of us will be working on some choir for the next album. Can't wait to get it done and show y'all.
OK. Thanks for reading and stay tuned for some nasty details from Roskilde Festival.
Much love,
Snævar and the everyday, normal Mimas crew!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Terrible, terrible news.
Sooo... this is a really sad blog-post, as it looks like we won't be able to play these 4 last gigs, which I think is really, really sad.
Low on spirit, but with fingers crossed I send you lot's of regards. And if you're one of the beautiful people who wanted to see us tonight we are so, so sorry about this!
Hope you all are better than we are.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
At last, another update!
I am sorry we havn't updated you guys the last couple of days, but we've had no internet connection untill today. I’d still love to tell you a little bit about what's been going on the last couple of days, if that's ok?
In the last update we had just watched FagoSepia, who were completely amazing! I loved them so much I almost puked. After them Monsieur Botibol and Alaska Pipeline played and they both did very well! Next up was Mimas-Shizzle and we played 30 minutes of our usual death-grind-core-rap (Le Moustache Formidable, Cats On Fire, Sodapop Stalkers, Dads, SMOM and Mac, Get Your Gear). The lovely people there loved us, and the place was packed. The guys in the bar were also amazing, they did an amazing DJ set and ended (like they always do) the evening with the Ennio Morricones ’A Fistful Of Dollars’, which I love!
When we left I suddenly asked if anyone noticed my computer when packing the van, and no-one did. It was to late to get into the venue and get it, so we had to wait untill the day after when the venue opened again. Bummer. Shate. Fack. What the fuck (sorry for the swearing, mom and grandma, (and Daniels mom too)). We drove to Fago Sepias house and there they, Alaska Pipeline and the people who lived there greated us with whiskey and homemade cherry-vodka. Brutal shit! I ate too much of those cherries, but they were so good. But it was a great night and everyone was so friendly. We all listened to some fantastic music and talked about fellow friends in music. It was a really great night and we went to sleep around 6 in the morning. Beautiful.
Everyone was up around 12:30 and we ate some baguettes and stuff, with some sort of jam. I think it was rhubarb, or something like that. We also drank coffee, lots of coffee. We took some funny pictures of peoples feet and then it was time to leave. It was sad, and some people sat in corners crying, in denial. But we slapped them in the face, and then did some high-fives and everyone was ok. We drove to Rennes to get my stupid computer and then to Saintes were we were supposed to play Fête De La Musique, which is a national music fest. It’s like this: everyone in France who knows how to play an instrument can play at various stages around in the different cities of France. It’s really fun, but there is a lot of bad shit going on… There were pretty horrible bands playing around in the streets.
There was a guy playing in a beautiful red jacket
who was harrased by some drunk,
so when they were done playing he jumped right off the stage to fight the drunk. They got seperated pretty quickly and the police came and picked up the drunk, who oddly enough was really drunk.
We played on a really nice stage in the middle of the city. It was a really beautiful place. There was a big arc of triumph right behind us, a cathedral and a very nice river. It was perfect.
We played really late, like 00:30, but that was ok. All the drunks were somewhere on the bottom of the river and we had a beautiful crowd and the response was really nice. People talked with us for hours after the show, and alot of baguettes were eaten between sentences. A lovely way to end Fête De La Musique. We then drove to La Rochelle with the promoter Steve, and on the way we taught him how to say pussy in danish: fisse, kusse, fjabbe and so on (sorry again mothers). We slepped in his office and we were really tired, and everyone really missing home and girlfriends and of course I also miss Elva.
We woke up on the 22nd of june, and this was our planned day off here at the west coast of France. And it’ just beautiful here. We started the day by getting some breakfast, and of course it was totally cliché with croissants, pain de chokolate and baguettes. As they say… when in rome, do as the romans…! Or something.
After having eaten our breakfast on the harbour of La Rochelle, we went to a really beautiful beach where we hung out and drank some beers and bathed in the beautiful sea. It was just perfect, and totally as I had imagined the day. The weather was perfect, the beach was beautiful and the beer was cold. Daniel, Lasse and I thought it would be a good idea to play some minigolf in the shadow of some trees, after having sun-bathed for two hours. Martin and Gert were too stupid to agree (which means that Martin right now is sunburned all over his body, and has gained the nick-name ’LOBSTER-MAN!’, which isn’t all that bad, as Lobster-man and Batman now are allies. Really cool. The mini-golf court sucked big time. Probably the worst one ever. And I’ve been too maybe two or three, including this one. Horrible. It was all crooked and uneven. Obviously I didn’t win. Daniel did. But he has a golf game for his wii computer at home, so that’s totally unfair. I hate him. I was second and Lasse lost BIG TIME! He was really bad at this game. He was actually ok with the first shots, but as a putter he’s just horrible. But he is a good man. Yessireehh! We went back to the beach and then we headed home for some showers. Once again we showered seperatly.
After the showers we went to a nice restaurant by the harbour and we ate some entrecotes, and Daniel got a hamburger, which wasn’t a hamburger, but just beef with an egg on it. He looked dissapointed. He was also dissapointed by the milkshake he got afterwards. He was also dissapointed in Gert, cause he smoked cigarettes.
After the nice meal we found some beers and got a little bit drunk. Right now we are headed for Toulouse, and it's seriously hot as hell! Speaking of hell, Satan is doing alright! He's a champion.
Speak soon!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Oh, my god this apple-pie is amazing.

Yo gangster-bitches! How's y'all!
We're good and sitting in Rennes after eating an amazing meal, and probably the best apple-pie I've ever had. If you're ever in Rennes try hard to find a guy called Florence and then ask to make an apple-pie. Yummi, motherfucker, yummi!
So we've spent the whole day talking like Batman (the Bale Batman), so we all have sore throats by now. But it's really a lot of fun! Like try saying: 'Aw, man. This wig looked alot better in the shop' with a batman voice! Try it! Or say: 'Got damn I hate this kaviar-suit'!
Yesterday was amazing! The drive from Rouen to Poitiers wasn't that interesting. I watched There Will Be Blood. I love that movie. When we got there we were greeted by the nicest man alive, Arno. He showed us the way to the place, which was an intimate pub, very nice. We did a quick soundcheck and then we went for a little walk and saw a beautiful church. We also walked up like 300 steps or something, which definitely was the most stupid thing we've done on this tour. I mean, why? Why the fuck do that? When we got back, after a delicious meal, Alaska Pipeline were getting ready to play and they played really well! There weren't too many people, but it was really nice to see them play again.
Next up were yours truly, and we were all about having a lot of fun. There were about 15 people there, and although there weren't too many there, we decided to really give them a good show. We played a couple of new songs that we hadn't played earlier on the tour and that was a lot of fun. Arno almost single-handedly sang Cats On Fire! He definitely new the lyrics to that! We ended the show with Mac, Get Your Gear. After the gigwe hanged around outside the venue, and Lasse got hit on by a really drunk/high old man. OK, maybe not hit on, but the guy really thought it was very important that Lasse saw his tounge-piercing. And not just see it, but learn every detail of hit! I think he must have stood infront of Lasse for 15 minutes with his tounge out of his mouth, shouting too Lasse: 'Look! Look! Look! Look! Look!' and thena laughing like an insane man every 2 minutes. It was really funny, and he was really funny.
Later on we went to Arnos place and Arno was very tired when we arrived and fell asleep almost immediatly. The rest of us got drunk and danced too the rythms of french radio. It was fantastic! Unfortunatly we got to the point of drunkness where you just drink everything you can find. So poor Arno woke up the next morning and learned that we had drunken a bottle of wine he got from his dad as a present! WE'RE SORRY ARNO!! That was pretty stupid. But it definitely was a really great day and night, a lot of fun! Lasse he also had to climb the wall to the neighbours as our football-game got out of hand. But as he climbed his way back he got really hurt, and smashed his legs into something. Seriously, I've never seen legs that swollen in my life before! Imagine an ordinary leg, and then imagine a leg coming out of the leg! It was fucked up! He's allright today though! We went to sleep around 4 in the morning and Gert and I slepped in the van, and when I woke up there was a lot of coins stuck to my body. Gert and I laughed a little bit, but not too much. Then we looked for the keys to the van for half an hour, only to discover that Lasse had them.
Arno made us coffe, and everyone kissed goodbye, and we were off to Rennes. It's a nice city, and we are treated really well here! Fago.Sepia are putting on this show and we just watched them. They were FANTASTIC if you ask me! Check them out dudes!
Alrighty, we're on in half an hour!
PS: Check this out!
Friday, June 19, 2009
In Rouen with a really nice cup of coffee!
So we arrived in Rouen, and we all wanted some kebab so bad. So we bought the worst kebab ever. And we ATE it! Snip! Beautiful. Bad kebas are a part of life like peoples feet or something. But feet get smelly too. But that doesn't mean you just get rid of them. You accept them, like you accepr bad kebabs. And you can just buy a good kebab some other day, so that's actually quite ok! Thanks for the bad kebab Rouen! Thanks!!
So the venue today was really small, but there was a nice atmosphere in there. And we only would need like 30 people and the place would be full. Our friends from Apes Did Ensemble arrived and was really nice to see them again! There was a nice barbeque in the back-yard and it was nice! Really weird sausages though! Totally fucked up. And a totally fucked up dog.
Apes did a nice gig, although they weren't that happy with it. It was very nice to see Alaska Pipeline, who we are playing with today and tomorrow as well. There was a lot of crazy energy on stage.
We played, and it has never ever been hotter onstage. During the last song i wanted to die. We played on the floor, and people stood like a half meter away from us. When I sing, usually there comes some spit out of my mouth, like when there are t's or s's. And so, I spat twice on the same girl. I felt bad, but she said it was ok. I can't imagine being that much fun though. Other than that, the gig was really fun and the place was totally full, 30-40 people or something. And we made them laugh with our jokes and we also played a little snippet of KoRn's 'Blind', to much amusement too this heavy metal dude standing right next to me. He saved my trumpet from falling on the floor. Thanks, heavy metal dude! You rock!
After saying good-buy to Apes we packed our gear and headed for our sleeping place. But not before talking to a guy from Toulouse who wanted us to play at a techno party, and to take some LSD. We got scared and cried a little, but then we all pepp-talked each other and agreed to put that experience behind us. Mentally wounded, we started Satan and drove into the night.
After a nice sleep we're all ready for a new day. We've been served good coffee, bread and stuff, and now we drive to Poitiers.
Much love,
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Thank you so much Luxembourg! Fisse!
What an amazing day we had yesterday! We woke up in the beuatiful town of Diffadanger (awesome name) of Luxembourg. We woke up to the smell of fresh, strong coffee which we drank way to much of on empty stomache. But it was so good! We decided to find some food very fast, and we did so. After that we did a lot of uninteresting things like, exchange some money, buy coke, walk around... It wasn't really interesting at all. I'm sorry. When I started to write this blog-post I was full of expectations to make it so good. But untill now, it's just shit.. It's shit! I know! I'm sorry, OK?!
We drove to the city of Luxembourg and did a soundcheck. It was good! We got some amazing vegetarian food right next tour, and than bought some ice-creams! Here is what we ordered:
Snævar: Tiramisu and Lemon
Martin: Kiwi, Bacio, Pistacchio
Lasse: Melon, Bacio, Pistacchio.
Daniel: Something like melon, Raspberry, Pistacchio.
Gert: 4 different flavors!!!!!!!!
The gig was so awesome. We had 40 people there and everyone was really responsive, and into the music. It was very nice to see, and people actuallt laughed at all my bad jokes. The Mutinu On The Bounty boys did good work with the promo, and everything turned out really good. Lafa Connected, who supported, were really amazing, and such nice guys to! All in all, a good expierince and we made a lot of good friends. Someone shouted the danish word 'fisse' during the gig, which means something like pussy. I laughed. Hahahah.. Ha!
Now everyone has showered (not together! Not this time) and we're headed for Rouen. Go Satan, you bitch!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Y'all wanna single say fuck that!
Ok, I'm trying to put my head back to when we were in Paris. Obviously we played the gig mentioned in our last blog-post. But we also did a really great radio-session for a french programmme called Planet Claire. They've had some really cool acts doing these live-sessions like Animal Collective, Okkervil River and such.
We agreed with Pierrick, our label-manager, to drive to his place and then catch some croissants and baguettes, and then drive to Planet Claire. Half-way to Pierricks place Satan totally fucked up on us, so poor Pierrick had to walk 2 kilometers where we had parked Satan. We all then had some amazing italian paninis, salads and desserts. That was a fantastic meal. Everyone smiled and Pierrick showed us some nice promo in a magazine. Then everyone smiled a bit more. And then finally when Pierrick handed over like 10 cd's with Distile Records releases, the smiles turned into a miled laughter. It was a beautiful morning, and this day in Paris could only become legendary.
So after Satan had rested, we drove to the Planet Claire radio-session. We met there with a team of really nice people, technicians and the founding member of Planet Claire. We played an hour or so, and everthing sounded really nice. It was like 200 degrees celcius in there, so we all kinda got naked and stuff. I was kinda amazed by how good looking we all are! It's totally amazing!
After the nice sessions everyone kissed and said au revoir to the team, and then we headed out to this completely awesome japanese restaurant, which Pierrick knew of. Everything tasted just like really, really, really great japanese food. You know? We finally had the chance of being tourists and saw the Eiffel tower. It was a really nice evening and we ended the whola thing with a nice beer in the city of l'amour. It was great finally to be able to get to know Pierrick from Distile Records better, and we're so looking forward to come back to Paris.
We had an ok sleep but we needed to drive to Zürich right away, as it took like eight hours or something to drive! It was a tough one, but we just made it. The landscapes were just mindblowing. I've personally never been to either France or Switzerland, so it was such a good experience to see all these beautiful forrests, castles, churches and so on. When we arrived in Zürich we were greeted by a fellow named Roman, who booked us to play. He was an amazing dude, and gave us all the beer we could drink, pizzas and ordered us to play more songs after the set! People in Zürich were really into our stuff. We didn't plan any encores, so we played a very new song, which kinda went wrong in the end, and then Dr. Phils Retirement. After that the place turned into 1993 and people danced like crazy to some 90's hits. It was bizarre, but yet beautiful. While we were packing the gear into the van, the police came by and told us to move the van. Daniel told them yeah, but we just needed to get the last stuff from the venue. The police replied: Are you drunk!? Are you high?!. Which we weren't. We explained that we were musicians and that we just played a gig. Then all of a sudden everything was OK. They didn't even care about all the hookers standing right next us. I also think the police probably were pretty high.
We slepped at Romans place. Martin and I slepped in Satan, but Martin couldn't find his sleeping bag, so he couldn't sleep. I tried to sing him lullabies and gave him warm milk. But nothing worked. He only got two hours of sleep. Poor chap. Poor, poor man.
We drove to Luxmbourg the next day, and after having several breaths taken away from us by watching the beautiful landscapes onece again, we made a stop at the beautiful city of Colmar! It was so charming! I loved every part of it. We went for some pretty crispy pizza and café au lait. While Gert, Daniel, Martin and I were cheking out the beautiful city, Lasse was getting his hair cut by some beautiful lady. He now looks a little less like Sting in the movie Dune. But just a little less.

We arrived in Luxembourg at Sachas (mutiny on the bounty) place and were greeted by a group of very nice people. Lasse, Daniel, Gert and I had to leave immedietly though, as we really wanted to see KoRn playing! Sacha was doing the light, and he did an amazing job. Something KoRn failed to do. They played all the wrongs songs, and it wasn't really convincing. But hey, they make a lot of money, so what the fuck. I like trains though, they're really cool. And fast.
We all had a really nice sleep, and we are playing in Luxembourg tonight. It's gonna be great, as we're playing with an amazing band called Lafa Connected!
See on the next blog-post. Aight, shizzle, and the bizzle, gangsta bitch, Snap! Crackle.
PS: No pictures at the moment, as the internet connection here is really slow :-)
Sunday, June 14, 2009
L'amour..... Paris!
Good morning! We're in Paris, it's awesome! There are really alot of french people! Like really, really many. Beaucoup! But they are all so sweet to us!
I forgot to tell you, in Liège Lasse got attacked by a pink-haired fairy with a dildo! He managed to escape by diverting her with his cunning language by saying something like: 'I don't speak french! Leave me alone!' That was kinda funny.
As mentioned the gig in Liege was totally awesome, but getting the gear out of the place was like the hardest thing ever. There were 200 people gathered in a pretty long room, and we had to get passed everybody. But people were drunk and stuff so they've probably forgotten the comotion and are just worried about why they have bruised around there asses now. We parked the van outside, very illegally and while we were packing the car the police came by! One of them, with a lot of adrenaline pumping around in his tiny little body, started talking for 10 minutes in french, untill we wen't 'UUuuuuhhhhh.... Do you speak english'? To wihich he replied very softly: 'NOO!!! GO AWAAYY!!!'
We arrived in Paris yesterday, at this nice venue in Bastille called 'Le Mechanique Ondulatoire'. Our friends in Apes Did Ensemble were there and took care of us, and protected us from all kind of evil doers and drangons lying around in french dungeons. We did our soundcheck and ate our really nice, homemade food and then all of a sudden... our label manager Pierrick showed up with a smile on his face! It was very nice to finally meet him, now that we've written something like 483 e-mails to each other, each...! So it was really nice and we're meeting him in just half an hour for some café, croissant, baguette and brie. Ahh.. vive la france!
Last nights gig was awesome. Apes Did Ensemble were great, although they had to start early, and there could have been more people during their set. During our set there were more people, and they were really into the gig. Gert and I played on the floor, which gave a really nice intimate feeling. Trés bien. Il fait chaud. Je t'aime.
Alrighty. We better go now, and meet up with monsieur Pierrick Le Roy! We're doing a radio session with Planet Claire at two o'clock today. And after that it's all fun and games, and the eiffel-tower.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Le petit breakfast
Last night was truly amazing. We played for 200 people in Liège in Belgium. The place was completely packed and people really enjoyed our show, which makes us a pretty gay little band. And gay in the sense of glad. And stuff. We played with Mutiny On The Bounty from Luxembourg, who were completeley, motherflippin MINDBLOWING! Listen to them HERE!! They asked us to come to Luxembourg one day early to go to a Korn concert, cause we have a day off before our Luxembourg show! How cool is that?! We are so going, we are so going!!
OK. Gotta take a bath right now, and then homemade breakfast at Fabians house. He is probably the nicest guy in the world, and his face is probably alot close to Gods. Mais oui!
Friday, June 12, 2009
Nous sommes dans Liége!
We're in Liége, and wow this is a beautiful city. There are beautiful buildings everywhere, statues and all kinds of cool stuff. Martin, (Le Manager, Oui?) is out having a walk, having a look at the beautiful city. He's so priviliged. We have to do a soundcheck and he gets to walk about acting all cool and stuff. Damn. Damn it all to hell.
The venue, L'escalier, is just beautiful, and the promoters are really lovely. There is cool beer (belgian beer wohoo!) in the fridge, and bananas, chips and belgian waffles ad libitum. How awesome is that? Pretty awesome, like!
We're playing tonight with our BSM label-mates 'Mutiny On The Bounty' who are truly amazing, and there is a local band called Keep It Deep, whom I don't know, but I'm looking forward to listen to them.
Today we all took nice long baths at service-station, so we're all fresh and good looking, kinda. You always look lika a shit on tour. Not excatly like a shit, but pretty much like an old bread with a lot of beard, and then bathed in sweat or sea-water. It kinds sucks. Kinda. Yup. Sucks.
Here is how my moustache is looking right now:

Qu'est que ca veut dire, Le Bon Jovi?!

Bonjour Bon Jovi! Comment ca va?
We are in the north of France, in Amiens, in a very big house very the good boys from John Makay live. They are the most polite people we've ever met, so all you haters out there, that think that the french are all about being un-polite, you're wrong! They're nice. Nice, like when you can sleep untill 13.00. We can't. I don't like that.
The gig yesterday, was amazing. It was a nive intimate place, called Le Grand Wazoo, and there was quite a lot of people. I played like shit, but everyone liked that, and bought our CD's and our new T-shirt. So first impression of the french is: they're nice, and it's ok to play mistakes. Does it get better than that? John Makay were completely amazing, so google 'John Makay myspace' and go listen to them I'm to lazy to make an active link. Really sorry. JM are all about the math rock, and they do it so good. The bar owner, Hakim, kept giving us Cognac after the gig, so we got kinda drunk and stuff.
Well, Daniel is waiting for us in Satan, while playing Football Manager, so we better get going, before he comes in here with a machine gun and kills us all, and eats us. Happens in Hamburg.
Next up Liege!
Snævar and the gang of five.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Now in Köln, also known as Cologne, also known as German Fetish-shop numero uno!

Guten tag! Eine hesclichen shnautzhe!
What is up dudes? We're in Cologne after a pretty long drive. Satan is seriously leaking oil, so we've spent between 50 and 2394 euros on oil today. It's crazy. This is crazy. Who's fucking idea was this? A stupid persons! Stupid!
OK. We're having a good time! We headlined in Berlin yesterday and it was DA BOMB. I was seriously tired (getting old) so I fell asleep backstage while the first band was playing, and I slept all the way through the second bands set, who are called Horrible Trees. Our good friend Christian is in the band, and I was really looking forward to seeing them. I hate falling asleep. It's the worst thing that happens to you. Except maybe if someone dropped their cargo on your food or something, or replaces salt with sugar or something nuts like that. I woke up and ten minutes later we were onstage playing Cats On Fire. There was a really nice crowd, and some people said nice things to us. To our faces and ears. We don't understand german, so they just spoke english. Except this one guy, who spoke danish. That was cool. We had a great time, although the sound on stage was a bit dodgy, to say the least.
We did an interview for the german branch of Bandbase. Check it out, peeps:
We slepped at Christians place and he offered us this whiskey which was nice. I don't remember the name of it. But it could have been something like: 'Whiskey-Whiskey-Woop-Woop'. But probably not.
So I think this jabber was enough for now. We love you, and we miss you.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
We're in motherflippin' Berlin!
Casper (our friend from Århus who once did something pretty dirty and weird while driving a truck) is driving the van for these dates. He drinks our beer, and smokes all the time and calls us names, just not our names. Satan and him are getting along ok, although I don't know what it means in car-ish when a windshield-wiper starts malfunctioning? Anyone?
The soundcheck is now over, and it was interesting. The venue is really awesome. We just did an interview and we sound so stupid. The asked us to do an acoustic song, so we played a little bit of the middle part in Dads. It was..... also... interesing.
I'm gonna get some food. I'm dying here.
Tour update 1
Hey guys
We are currently sitting at Haus 73 in Hamburg. The promoter was kind enough to hook us up with a free breakfast which is absolutely legen...... wait for it..... DARY. We played at the Astra Stube yesterday. Very small venue where the stage is about the same size as the floor. The crowd was awesome and the other band Faraday was equally awesome and the singer Till even let us stay at his couch and floor. Awesome.
In a couple of minutes we will get on the bus and head for Berlin where we are playing at Live At Dot. Hopefully it will be just as good as the opening night.
More to follow
Sunday, June 7, 2009
And the tour beginns....!

This is it! Tomorrow we jump into our old friend Satan, the Mimas crew with our manager Martin, and head on our first tour around Europe to play some gigs and promote the release of The Worries in France and Spain. We'll be playing some cities I've always wanted to visit and some other amazing cities I've never been to like Zurich, Paris, Madrid and Luxembourg. It's going to be fun! And it's probably going to be hot as hell, as we're driving in a black bus, with no air-con and only the two front windows can be opened.. Yes, that is stupid. But hey, nothing will stand in our way. I've bought a lot of extra socks, underwear and I've bought a season of Family Guy and that show called Taken. Good times.
So I havn't packed anything but I am washing some clothes for the trip. If you guys think of anything really handy to have with you on a very hot trip around Europe please let me know.
I'll try and update this site, and we'll be doing a video-diary at I'm also going to be tweeting like a maniac.
Aight. I'll leave you with this piece of music, cause I can.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Capillary Action

Oh man.... These guys onthe photo are staying at my place and arrived yesterday. We had some really nice food, beers and wine and played some good old Nintendo Nes (which both Drummer-Dan and Trombone-Sam are really good at)! These guys are from all over the states but the band, which is a project led by the very good Jonathan (in the middle) and he's from New York. Lauren (correct, the girl) is his girlfriend and will definitely be the coolest mother some day. Bass-Spencer hates my stove as it was giving him a really hard time, but on the other hand I think Elva (my daughter) made a nice impression on him, and vice versa. They're good friends by now.
Well! They played a gig tonight here in Århus (they've been on tour for THREE months) and it was.... mindblowing! Seriously, I've never experienced such an incredible musicianship and talent combined with a really, really high level of originality. Everyone who was present in the audience shat bricks (to use an expression I learned from Dan the Man). You should check them out right now. If I know these guys right they're probably in touch with a promoter in your city and planning a gig somewhere near you. Check out their myspace here!
Thanks to Capillary Action for stopping by Århus, it's been such a plesure having you! Be back soon!
Friday, May 29, 2009

Just got the last date confirmed for the tour which will be in a little french city called Poitiers at a venue called Cafe Du Clain with our friends in Alaska Pipeline. The gig is on June 19th, oh yeah.
A little fact about Poitiers: Poitiers was founded by the Celtic Pictones tribe as the oppidum Lemonum before Roman influence. The name is said to have come from the Celtic word for elm, Lemo. (Yes, this was just copy/pasted from wikipedia)
I love cats.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
I know..
I really had to show you this. A fellow named Carlos made this website, and I think it rules. Our first fan-site, so I really think you should check it out and say hi to Carlos for using his time to promote Mimas to the world. We sure need it :-) Thanks so much Carlos!
Check out our tour schedule by the way!
June 8 Germany - Hamburg Astra Stube
June 9 Germany - Berlin Live At Dot
June 10 Germany - Köln Studio 672
June 11 France - Amiens The Grand Wazoo
June 12 Belgium - Liège L’escalier
June 13 France - Paris Mécanique ondulatoire
June 14 France - Paris Radio Planet Claire Session
June 15 Switzerland - Zurich l The Boschbar
June 17 Luxembourg l D:Qliq
June 18 France - Rouen Captain Tavern
June 19 France - Poitiers TBC
June 20 France - Rennes Le Sambre
June 21 France - Nantes Fête De La Musique
June 22 France DAY OFF
June 23 France - Toulouse Le Cri De La Mouette
June 24 France - Pau- Lons Localypso II
June 25 Spain - Madrid Fotomaton
June 26 Spain - Barcelona, Manrese Sala El Vermell
June 27 Spain - Barcelona Sala InCivíc Zone
June 28 France - Lyon The Sonic
Oh, and you'll have to check out this article about us in the studio, recording vocals for the next album! It's all in danish, but I know you guys can read danish, right!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Oh my fucking shit!
The tour is coming up pretty soon, and we're trying to book the last couple of gigs. It looks pretty good though and we're thoroughly excited! I'm just wondering if Satan will live through this one. Speaking of the devil, we're making some new T-shirts at the moment, they're gonna be awesome! Thanks to Battersby for ideas!
Alrighty. More news soon.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
MacGyver hair dresser?

Hey guys!
Fuck, france is pretty nice to us. We've got three reviews from some very cool webzines. I've linked to them, but hey you probably don't read french anyway?
Any one know a cool place to play in Europe? We have a couple of dates free for the tour. Come on, show yr faces!
Friday, April 24, 2009
The sun is shining update
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Second post today! I'm gonna break the record!
I'm also seriously digging the comments for this one. Especially about our look alikes. Awesomeness.
I love spring
It's very sunny here in Denmark and we're really looking forward to getting Gert back home with us! We kind of miss playing music and doing gigs and touring.
We've been busy recording the new songs though. So far we've recorded drums, bass, guitars and trumpets. So we're doing some vocals soon and will be doing some additional horns and strings. And of course all the choir and shouting when Gertie boy gets back from his elephant love trip.
As you might know The Worries is soon to be released in France and Belgium. On April 23rd to be exact. The first reviews have been very positive. If you're from France or read french, go ahead and take a look. (Download the magazine) (Download the magazine)
So we're happy with how the album is doing this far in France and Belgium. We'll probably post more shit here soon.
We might be uploading a live video from our last gig here in Århus soon. So kee your eyes peeled!
Oh, check out Good Old War. Mmmmm..
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Guest-blog by Nikolaj Skjold of dookue donddEE
I'm visiting Snævar in Århus. Today I learned all the animals from his daughters picture-book. Now I know the cats says "miaaauv" and the dog "bow-wow" and the dinosaur says "ROOOAAR!"
Later on we're going to dance to dj börneblogger at musikcafeen!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Want to be a part of Mimas?
June 8 Germany - Hamburg Astra Stube
June 9 Germany - Berlin Live at Dot
June 11 France - Amiens The Grand Wazoo
June 12 Belgium - Liège L’escalier
June 13 France - Paris Mécanique ondulatoire
June 15 Switzerland - Zurich l The Boschbar
June 17 Luxembourg l D:Qliq
June 18 France - Rouen Le Prado
June 19 France - Laval TBC
June 20 France - Woofy Fest House-show
June 21 France - Nantes Fête De La Musique
June 22 France DAY OFF
June 24 Spain - San Sebastian Tba
June 25 Spain - Madrid Tba
June 26 Spain - Barcelona Rocksound
June 28 France - Lyon Tba