Here’s some news from the road in the UK!
We’ve had an awesome couple of days, although our journey to England was truly a horrible one…
I was waiting for the boys at home, as they were getting the rental car. I spent my time packing and wondering which movies to take with me. I didn’t want to take all the usual stuff along (Arnold Schwarzenegger movies, Stanley Kubrick and shit), so I tried digging a little deeper into my collection. I found ’Invasion Of The Body Snatchers’ (the 70’s version) and Saló (120 days in Sodoma) by Pasolini. ’Awesome’, I thought, ’the guys will love this one’, not remembering how I felt when I first (and last) watched it. I threw some underwear, socks, t-shirts, my computer, CD’s, a toothbrush and a passport along the movies into my bag, and ran out on the street, where the boys were waiting for me in a nice little Citroen Berlingo.
The drive to the ferry was just beautiful and we listened to some good old ’Death’, probably the best death-metal band ever. When we arrived in Esbjerg, we checked in and waited in line with everyone else, and this kid the car infront of us jumped out with toy guns and started shooting at us and throwing bombs at us. Lasse and Daniel found that truly amusing and started shooting at him using their hands as guns. It had no effect, and the kid survived.
On board of the ferry everyone was in a great mood, and we were looking foreward to our little tour with our good friends in Shapes. We had beer and snacks and decided that we wanted to watch a movie. After introducing Saló, and telling the boys that the director, Pasolini, got killed a week after releasing the movie, we decided to give it a try. We watched it for about half an hour, and then everyone got really sick from watching it, mostly because of all the weird sex scenes. No one really had any urge to watch the scenes with the shit-eating fest. So we turned it off and watched a comedy instead, but right around this time the ferry was seriously going crazy, and the waves were brutal! All of a sudden, in the middle of the movie, Gert jumped up and hurried to the toilet, where he threw up big time! Daniel and I lauhed a little, but at the same time we were really, really sad that Gert was feeling bad. Poor Gert. We decided to go to sleep and that everything would be much better in the morning. It took me about 1 hour to fall asleep.
In the morning everything was much better, and the ferry glided smoothly on the surface of the water. Beautiful. We drove directly to Norwich, while listening to Sepeltura. Being in Norwich again felt awesome, and meeting our usual sound engineer Ryan, was a plesaure as always. We soundchecked and all was cool. Annie Catwoman arrived and everyone hugged and felt good. It was our fourth time in Norwich and the fifth time we see Annie, so everything felt kinda like home.
The gig at Norwich Arts Centre was simply fantastic! The crowd was beautiful, and we had an amazing time. The lovely (John) Peel family came down to the gig, and John Peels wife said some really nice things about our music. What a great night. Shapes played a great set, and we told them they really suck.
We're in Glasgow at the moment, and we'll tell you a bit about what's been happenin' really soon! I can tell you that we saw this man!

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