Oh man.... These guys onthe photo are staying at my place and arrived yesterday. We had some really nice food, beers and wine and played some good old Nintendo Nes (which both Drummer-Dan and Trombone-Sam are really good at)! These guys are from all over the states but the band, which is a project led by the very good Jonathan (in the middle) and he's from New York. Lauren (correct, the girl) is his girlfriend and will definitely be the coolest mother some day. Bass-Spencer hates my stove as it was giving him a really hard time, but on the other hand I think Elva (my daughter) made a nice impression on him, and vice versa. They're good friends by now.
Well! They played a gig tonight here in Århus (they've been on tour for THREE months) and it was.... mindblowing! Seriously, I've never experienced such an incredible musicianship and talent combined with a really, really high level of originality. Everyone who was present in the audience shat bricks (to use an expression I learned from Dan the Man). You should check them out right now. If I know these guys right they're probably in touch with a promoter in your city and planning a gig somewhere near you. Check out their myspace here!
Thanks to Capillary Action for stopping by Århus, it's been such a plesure having you! Be back soon!
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