I forgot to tell you a bit about the tour! Up for it? No? Well, I don't care!
It was a great trip. Although we had some shows cancelled at the last minute. Instead of one show we got offered another in London at a venue called Bedford Park. And it was interesting! We talked our good friends Lakes into doing it with us! And as always they were awesome! Jamie their lead singer drank a whole bottle of rum during that night, and was very rock! Love him. We played our set and it was rather cool. Everyone, including us, enjoyed themselves! The beautiful Edd from the amazing Prego showed up and we stayed at his place, as always when in London. We love that man.
Next morning we had some great English Breakfast and drove to Oxford to play at The Cellar for the 3rd time. We played with the amazing This Town Needs Guns, who are on the equally amazing label Big Scary Monsters Records
. We had a very enthusiastic crowd, and handed out many free CD's and soled some T-shirts. As always the sound was amazing, we owe that to our friend Jimmy, who put us on. He is also putting us on at the cellar for the 4th time on September 4th! Be sure to be there! We also stayed at Jimmys and his wives place. Or I slepped in the car. I'm allergic to cats and dogs (and horses). But thanks anyway Jimmy!
Next morning we left Oxford 10.30 am. We were supposed to be in Bury st. Edmunds for a live recording session at Old School Studios with our friend Jason (Listen to it here at Breakthru radio). Guess what, we we're stuck in traffic for six hours!!! What the fuck!? I've never seen anything like that. The line of cars was just so long.. incredible sight. And some very boring hours! Jason was very cool about it though, and we did the session when we arrived at 8 pm (Yes, it took us nine and a half hours to drive from Oxford to Bury...) Look at these amazing pics from the studio!
We finished the session at 1 am and then drove to Norwich to visit our good friend Annie Catwoman. It was preety late but it didn't keep Annie to get some beers out of the fridge and a bottle of whiskey (on my request). We drank it, had fun and went to sleep. The next morning we got up and went into the center of beautiful city of Norwich and this is how our manager looks like:
At the local diner we had, of course, English breakfast! I think it was our 3rd time there, so they are getting to know us. As always Gert and I orderes the Super Deluxe which always kills us:
After dying and resurrecting we walked around Norwich with Annie and saw the amazing cathedrals. Stunning. Unfortunately we had to leave Annie, Oscar (her cat) and Norwich as we had a date with Edd Simpson and his girlfriends Debbie from Drowned in Sound in London. The night was amazing and we got very drunk. Daniel got lost in a park somewhere in London and slepped on a bench, spooning the homeless, and Lasse fell asleep on the way home to Edd. Fortunatly no one got hurt. Hoorray!
Other than this, I don't have much to say.
See you in September.
so Jimmy has more than one wife, ey?
Yes, there were seven of them. And two husbands.
That manager sure is beautiful! Mm mm mm!
He is! And that was one of his bad days, cause he forgot his make up at jimmys place. I think one of jimmys wifes stole it.
i wish i could have made it to the london show
haha, glad to see you enjoyed your sightseeing round norwich
hmmmmmm I kind of miss all that :o) I´m very glad that the tour went well. DANG guys, how can you loose dear Daniel in the park. ;o)
miss ya... se you on the Wed of next week.
Krammers fra "come on guys"
by the way, awesome studio :o) right up my alley
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