Thursday, April 30, 2009

MacGyver hair dresser?

Hey guys!

Fuck, france is pretty nice to us. We've got three reviews from some very cool webzines. I've linked to them, but hey you probably don't read french anyway?


Any one know a cool place to play in Europe? We have a couple of dates free for the tour. Come on, show yr faces!


Friday, April 24, 2009

The sun is shining update

Its friday and the sun is shining. Could it possibly get any better? Im sitting on my balcony enjoying some cold mineralwater (would have been more rock´n´roll to say beer but there was none in my fridge) and listening to the latest mimas recordings. I think you will like it. I for sure do. Its been a brand new process for us going in the studio with only about half of the songs being done. Usually we like to have everything sorted and written before we enter the studio but this new way of doing it really appeals to me.  I guess we can thank Gert for that because it was his 2 month trip that made us do it.  I cant wait for him to come back so we can start playing again and doing some shows. 

Thats it for now.

Oh! If some of you are having a hard getting in to the spring/summer spirit then you should listen to some Good Old War. I know Snævar has praised them before but it cant be done enough. 


Sunday, April 19, 2009

Second post today! I'm gonna break the record!

An aussi wrote a review of The Worries, and I must say we feel quite flattered. Check this shit out:

I'm also seriously digging the comments for this one. Especially about our look alikes. Awesomeness.

I love spring

It's definitely the best time of year!

It's very sunny here in Denmark and we're really looking forward to getting Gert back home with us! We kind of miss playing music and doing gigs and touring.

We've been busy recording the new songs though. So far we've recorded drums, bass, guitars and trumpets. So we're doing some vocals soon and will be doing some additional horns and strings. And of course all the choir and shouting when Gertie boy gets back from his elephant love trip.

As you might know The Worries is soon to be released in France and Belgium. On April 23rd to be exact. The first reviews have been very positive. If you're from France or read french, go ahead and take a look. (Download the magazine) (Download the magazine)

So we're happy with how the album is doing this far in France and Belgium. We'll probably post more shit here soon.

We might be uploading a live video from our last gig here in Århus soon. So kee your eyes peeled!

Oh, check out Good Old War. Mmmmm..


Saturday, April 4, 2009

Sigur Rós havn't practised the last couple of years

Guest-blog by Nikolaj Skjold of dookue donddEE

I'm visiting Snævar in Århus. Today I learned all the animals from his daughters picture-book. Now I know the cats says "miaaauv" and the dog "bow-wow" and the dinosaur says "ROOOAAR!"

Later on we're going to dance to dj börneblogger at musikcafeen!