You guys probably be hate me for not writing here that much. I kind of feel bad about it. So, I've decided that every mondays and fridays will be my blog days! Maybe I won't be blogging twice a week but definitely once a week. Twitter has totally taken over me... Sorry Blogger... Sorry myspace, sorry facebook, sorry official website..
I really had to show you this. A fellow named Carlos made this website, and I think it rules. Our first fan-site, so I really think you should check it out and say hi to Carlos for using his time to promote Mimas to the world. We sure need it :-) Thanks so much Carlos!
Check out our tour schedule by the way!
June 8 Germany - Hamburg Astra Stube
June 9 Germany - Berlin Live At Dot
June 10 Germany - Köln Studio 672
June 11 France - Amiens The Grand Wazoo
June 12 Belgium - Liège L’escalier
June 13 France - Paris Mécanique ondulatoire
June 14 France - Paris Radio Planet Claire Session
June 15 Switzerland - Zurich l The Boschbar
June 17 Luxembourg l D:Qliq
June 18 France - Rouen Captain Tavern
June 19 France - Poitiers TBC
June 20 France - Rennes Le Sambre
June 21 France - Nantes Fête De La Musique
June 22 France DAY OFF
June 23 France - Toulouse Le Cri De La Mouette
June 24 France - Pau- Lons Localypso II
June 25 Spain - Madrid Fotomaton
June 26 Spain - Barcelona, Manrese Sala El Vermell
June 27 Spain - Barcelona Sala InCivíc Zone
June 28 France - Lyon The Sonic
Oh, and you'll have to check out this article about us in the studio, recording vocals for the next album! It's all in danish, but I know you guys can read danish, right!