Besides being the very lucky band who gets to support Menomena here in Denmark, we'll also be playing with two other very beautiful bands this spring! Read further...
On April 7th we'll be playing with
Cats and Cats and Cats from London, England. Follow the link to their myspace, they are awesome! The show will take place at Skt. Anna Gade Skole, also known as 'Frederiksbjerg Kulturhus' (
here is a map). These boys are signed to the awsome label
Big Scary Monsters Records which also has released an EP by the second band we'll be playing with;
Jeniferever. They are from Uppsala, Sweden and their latest album 'Choose a Bright Morning' is just gorgeous. We'll be playing with them at
Musikcaféen in Århus on May 28th.
So I guess it's fair to say that we are a happy band!